
29 March 2019


The search, beginnings…

As you may know, I formally started the search for my biological family about two weeks ago with a local searcher in Hefei, the city I am from. I hesitate sharing updates as the process goes along in case the potential leads they find end up not being my family or part of my story but I’m deciding to share parts of what the process has been like so far, as a way for me to record and document this process as well as for any fellow adoptees who might be interested in what this process is like. …

With my searcher, we created a poster for her to post around the city, simply stating my case and search for my family. Due to the scale that Hefei has grown in the last 25 years and some issues with posting posters in certain areas where they were not allowed to post, she got in contact with a newspaper reporter to write an article about our search. That was published yesterday. They’ve gotten a couple calls since the publishing already but it’s too soon to tell if the stories and details match up. I never expected that people would see the postings already and be getting in contact. There’s a good chance that these contacts will not lead to answering my questions or case but it’s an interesting part of this process I hadn’t thought about or considered how I would feel about it. It’s scary that this is potentially possible, I’m trying to not get hopes up too early. If anyone has questions throughout this process, please don’t hesitate to DM me. I may not be able to answer but I am more than willing to share parts of this.